Our company is situated almost in the middle of Hungary in Soltvadkert. We are specialized in the production and the distribution of polythene packaging. At present, we satisfy our customers' wishes with the help of 50 attendants, 11 extruders, 11 customization machines, a press, 2 mills, 3 regranulating machi-nes and 3 vans.
During the years we continuously extended the capacity of our production and our product supplies, so today we have a wide choice of goods at our present and future clients' disposal. Our excellent quality nylon packets and bags, flat foil and other wrappers are-as sufficient to our costumers' individual demands- available in several colours, and size all over the country.
You can find wholesale trades with nationwide network, retail shops and family enterprises among our partners. A considerable amount of our goods are sold by our resellers, however, we are mostly the direct packaging supplier for other manufacturer, producer and service providing companies.
Our technology, our modern equipment, and the competence of our fellow workers assure the high quality that guarantees the satisfaction of our clients and ensures a range of products, which is adequate to our costumers' special demands.
We operate a modern, well equipped company with wide scope of activity in a cultured surrounding with high theoretical and practical knowledge.
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